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What is the Context Search Gadget?

The Context Search Gadget is a simple search dashboard gadget that allows you to easily search for specific things in narrowed contexts. This can be helpful when searching for specific invoices, customers or projects.

Once you’ve narrowed down your context, you can just start searching and the gadget will give you a list of results.

How to configure the Context Search Gadget?

Before you can start searching you have to configure the gadget. It’s really simple and can be done in 2 minutes.

1.Create a filter (Optional)

Start by creating a filter to narrow down your search context. You do not need to go too much into detail here, most of the times it’s enough to filter out some of your projects or just one.

If you prefer to use JQL you can just skip this step and directly navigate to the dashboard.

2.Add the gadget to your dashboard.

As a second step, add the ‘Search Gadget’ to a dashboard to start the next configuration steps.

If you skipped creating the filter in the first step, now is the time to define your JQL.

3.Define your search context and results.

Start off by defining which fields will be searched. You can choose from Jira and custom fields.

Then you can either copy these to the fields that will be displayed or define them on your own.


Then you can save your configuration and start searching.

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